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VMW Datastore Estimated Fill Time rule modification to filter on specific storage DRS groups?

I need to be able to stop the "VMW Datastore Estimated Fill Time" alert from happening on 10 datastores that are part of a specific storage DRS group.  The alerts on these datastores are irrelevant.  How do I modify this rule to exclude or just include certain DRS groups?  

I also need to modify this rule to exclude a bunch of local storage datastores that are used for our Citrix XA servers.  The local storage DS's all begin with "Local-", so it is easy to identify them.

  • Hi Sean,
    I put together a short animated gif on how to exclude datastores using uniqueId.

    To add your local datastores to that scope, you should be able to use an expression like this:

    VMWDatastore where  (name ! like 'Local-%') and (uniqueId != '469ca3a1-9581-4818-9b00-19dc1707af09') and (uniqueId !='a353db42-5592-4d30-82e3-29b23ad0e2fb')

    I hope this helps,


  • Hi Sean,
    I put together a short animated gif on how to exclude datastores using uniqueId.

    To add your local datastores to that scope, you should be able to use an expression like this:

    VMWDatastore where  (name ! like 'Local-%') and (uniqueId != '469ca3a1-9581-4818-9b00-19dc1707af09') and (uniqueId !='a353db42-5592-4d30-82e3-29b23ad0e2fb')

    I hope this helps,


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