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is it possible to customize out of the box agent checks?


we have some customers that would like to change (add or remove) several checks (queries of metrics being pulled) by some out-of-the-box agents (e.g storage collertor and VMwarePerformance)

is this possible? can the information that is being provided byy those agents be modified?

(this is of course being asked after consideration of using script of custom agents to do this task)

thanks in advance,

Eli Peretz


  • Hi Eli,

    If i understand correctly you like to collect certain elements of VMWARE or Storage but not all?

    Basically it depends what you would like to eliminate during collection

    In Foglight VMWARE agent - ~Via the agent properties -> you can exclude datastores, folders, files. Similarly you stop collections on eg: Historic, change Events, permissions

    Alternate way - the user that collects metrics is limited to certain areas eg: Specific Resource Pools, Specific Esx hosts. That way the agents collects information from specific areas only.

    Similarly in storage - it depends on user, disabling the arrays you don't want to collect can be done via storage agent properties.

    Foglight UI If you are specifically asking what to show on Foglight UI and disable parts that you don't want to show to customers/teams /sub-teams. Custom dashboards is the approach you need to take where you can pull specific metrics from the data object tree, build views, queries.

    I hope this helps.


  • Hi Naushad,
    Thanks a bunch for your informative response.

    Apologies, but I might have not described it in the best way.
    I was actually referring to the ability to modify what type of data is collected once the agent is doing its job, and not what objects it collects upon;

    So for instance:

    If a customer wanted the VMwarePerformance agent to also run a specific API command that gives him additional value, to checks something that natively the agent does not collect.
    Or for instance, disable the Storage collector from trying to run a specific our of the box commands against the storage array/filer and such…

    I hope it makes better sense,
    Thanks a lot for your help!

  • Hi Eli,

    As Naushad suggested, you can change agent confirmation

    1. Go to Foglight UI | administration | Agent | Agent Status
    2. Select the agent you want make modification then click Edit properties
    3. Select Modify the private properties for this agent
    4. IN you case, you can select change Storage Collection Enabled from true to false then save
    5. All the change here will automatically send to the agent so no restart needed
    Please let us know if this answered your question

    Best regards
  • Hi Eli,

    With OOTB functionality, there is no mechanism to run specific API Command/specific command via VMWARE Performance or storage collector agents - For this you will need custom script agent built.

    Let me know if this helps

  • Hi Lee,
    thanks for this.

    i'll give a quick example of what im trying to achieve here:

    i have a netapp filer being monitored by the storage agent
    i would the default storage agent to also run a linux command on that filer when it monitors it, and send the result back to foglight in some way. (so i will not need additional script agent to just pull some info from that filer that the out of the box does not pull.

    or, make the VMwarePerfomrmance Agent stop running specific commands when pulling information using vCenter API...

    i hope this better explains my requirement
  • Hi Eli,

    To add new functionality to the Storage agent, I would suggest you create a Service Request and discuss the use case with a Product Manager.

    You were not specific about what commands you want the VMwarePerformance agent to stop running. We will need clarification on that, as this could be supported by the current agent.
