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Faild deploy VMwarePerformance package to [HostName.Domain.Com]. It might be caused by low memory for this fglam host, please check FMS log for detail

Hi Guys, 

I have built a brand new vWorkspace Diagnostic and Monitoring foglight version 5.7.5. during the initial discovery wizard process, I faced some challenges to get the JRE updated as I'm runinng 64bit os and it worked only with the latest JRE 32bit. After that, the Wizard collection finished finished and I was able to reactify some hyper-v issue by manually deploying the agent, during the Wizard, VMWare already was part of it, but it failed as well. 


When I try to add the VMWare environment, it failed with the following error 

  • Faild deploy VMwarePerformance package to [HostName.Domain.Com]. It might be caused by low memory for this fglam host, please check FMS log for detail


I tried increasing the JVM in Config/Server.config with the following parameters also failed; 

foglight.vm.option0 = "-Xms6144m";
foglight.vm.option1 = "-Xmx6144m";


I also made this change in fglam/state/default/config/baseline.jvmargs.config file

vmparameter.0 = "-XX:MaxPermSize=256m";
vmparameter.1 = "-XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC";
vmparameter.2 = "-XX:+CMSClassUnloadingEnabled";
vmparameter.3 = "-XX:CMSInitiatingOccupancyFraction=50";
vmparameter.4 = "-XX:NewRatio=4";
vmparameter.5 = "-XX:+CMSIncrementalMode";
vmparameter.6 = "-XX:+CMSIncrementalPacing";
vmparameter.7 = "-XX:CMSIncrementalDutyCycleMin=0";
vmparameter.8 = "-XX:CMSIncrementalDutyCycle=10";
vmparameter.9 = "-XX:-UseG1GC";


Any help please..?



  • Hi,

    This is what i was talking about:
    "the addition of 3 GB to the negotiated JVM Max heap size would adjust to 4 GB, which would exceed the total available physical memory of 2 GB. "

    Your FGLAM is 32 or 64bit ?
    I am not sure if and how you can deploy a vmware agent in a 32bit FGLAM. I think that 32bit fglams have a 2GB limit.
  • Hi,

    This is what i was talking about:
    "the addition of 3 GB to the negotiated JVM Max heap size would adjust to 4 GB, which would exceed the total available physical memory of 2 GB. "

    Your FGLAM is 32 or 64bit ?
    I am not sure if and how you can deploy a vmware agent in a 32bit FGLAM. I think that 32bit fglams have a 2GB limit.
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