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Faild deploy VMwarePerformance package to [HostName.Domain.Com]. It might be caused by low memory for this fglam host, please check FMS log for detail

Hi Guys, 

I have built a brand new vWorkspace Diagnostic and Monitoring foglight version 5.7.5. during the initial discovery wizard process, I faced some challenges to get the JRE updated as I'm runinng 64bit os and it worked only with the latest JRE 32bit. After that, the Wizard collection finished finished and I was able to reactify some hyper-v issue by manually deploying the agent, during the Wizard, VMWare already was part of it, but it failed as well. 


When I try to add the VMWare environment, it failed with the following error 

  • Faild deploy VMwarePerformance package to [HostName.Domain.Com]. It might be caused by low memory for this fglam host, please check FMS log for detail


I tried increasing the JVM in Config/Server.config with the following parameters also failed; 

foglight.vm.option0 = "-Xms6144m";
foglight.vm.option1 = "-Xmx6144m";


I also made this change in fglam/state/default/config/baseline.jvmargs.config file

vmparameter.0 = "-XX:MaxPermSize=256m";
vmparameter.1 = "-XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC";
vmparameter.2 = "-XX:+CMSClassUnloadingEnabled";
vmparameter.3 = "-XX:CMSInitiatingOccupancyFraction=50";
vmparameter.4 = "-XX:NewRatio=4";
vmparameter.5 = "-XX:+CMSIncrementalMode";
vmparameter.6 = "-XX:+CMSIncrementalPacing";
vmparameter.7 = "-XX:CMSIncrementalDutyCycleMin=0";
vmparameter.8 = "-XX:CMSIncrementalDutyCycle=10";
vmparameter.9 = "-XX:-UseG1GC";


Any help please..?



  • Hi,

    Assuming that you are trying to create a new VMwarePerformance Agent on the embedded FGLAM (the FGLAM that was installed automatically with your foglight installation) ...

    To begin with i would strongly suggest to remove all vmparameters from your FGLAM (unless you have a very specific reason !!!)
    All the latest FGLAMs do a pretty good memory management with the default parameters.

    Increasing your FMS memory (as you did) is not a bad thing.
    But i guess you mean server.vm.option0&1 and not foglight.vm.option0&1

    I suggest you first remove any custom vmparameters from your FGLAM and also fix the vm.option parameters in your FMS config.
    Then restart FMS and wait until it has been started (you are able to login).
    Then check the memory allocation for
    FMS Process
    FGLAM Process
    Then check the Memory Available in Windows.
    Report back and we will see how to proceed.

    When deploying a new VMwarePerformance Agent it run checks trying to find at least 3GB of free memory (actual free memory).
    If not, deployment will fail.

    There is no need to change the FGLAM memory parameters yourself. Memory will be set in fglam\agents\VMwarePerformance\xxxxx\config\agent.manifest

  • Hi,

    Assuming that you are trying to create a new VMwarePerformance Agent on the embedded FGLAM (the FGLAM that was installed automatically with your foglight installation) ...

    To begin with i would strongly suggest to remove all vmparameters from your FGLAM (unless you have a very specific reason !!!)
    All the latest FGLAMs do a pretty good memory management with the default parameters.

    Increasing your FMS memory (as you did) is not a bad thing.
    But i guess you mean server.vm.option0&1 and not foglight.vm.option0&1

    I suggest you first remove any custom vmparameters from your FGLAM and also fix the vm.option parameters in your FMS config.
    Then restart FMS and wait until it has been started (you are able to login).
    Then check the memory allocation for
    FMS Process
    FGLAM Process
    Then check the Memory Available in Windows.
    Report back and we will see how to proceed.

    When deploying a new VMwarePerformance Agent it run checks trying to find at least 3GB of free memory (actual free memory).
    If not, deployment will fail.

    There is no need to change the FGLAM memory parameters yourself. Memory will be set in fglam\agents\VMwarePerformance\xxxxx\config\agent.manifest

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