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Changing the Blocking minimum duration if SQL PI is enabled.

I'm a bit confused with how much time must pass with a blocked SPID before Foglight grabs it?

I'll see something in SQL Server' activity monitor show blocking but on a lot of occasions Foglight' SQL PI won't pick it up.  

I did some digging and found a setting in "Administration -> Locks -> Blocking History" to change the "Minimal Duration (seconds)" from 90 to whatever.  We have some servers that the end users want to know of any blocking for 15 seconds or longer.  I will tweak this of course but wanted to test it.

I changed it to 15 seconds, saved it then something told me to hover over the "i" icon next to "Locks" to see what that says.  Below is what the icon says:

I have SQL PI enabled & I really need the blocking to be set to LESS THAN 90 seconds.  How do I do that??


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