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How to read a text file (log) from a VMware VM with Windows OS monitoring, then take action when a word/phrase is written by a custom software ?

the situation is like this.

I have 1 VM with OS monitoring enabled with a specific (custom) service (sidsrv.exe) running on it.

Attached to this VM, there is a USB HASP dongle (which is licensing a program), attached via USB anywhere 14 hardware from digi.


Sometimes the hasp key gets disconnected from unknown reason, and the software which is using it, doesn't work at full capacity anymore, but also doesn't stop from working. A log is generated and written into a .txt file. the error message is like "dongle disconnected".

The challenge is to monitor that log file, once per minute (it is a critical server) and if foglight is detecting the message "dongle disconnected", then an action should be taken. we observed that restarting the VM is the only effective way to make it work again.

Also an alert should be sent via email.

Does anybody have any idea how can I do this?

Does Foglight have the capacity to read a .txt file, or should I create a powershell script for this?



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