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Latest ChangeAuditor Version XLS(X) export does not work

Hello, in exporting the query results in either xls or xlsx version the client crashes/freezes. csv works fine.

is anyone else having an issue?

I also minimized the search results to only include 20000 events and same thing happens.

any thoughts?

  • Hey Jeff, thanks so much for your reply.. I'm running the same version.. and nadda.. I left the xls and xlsx export to run for almost 15 mins while exporting only 20K results. huh.. not sure what the issue is.. I was hoping that Dev would reply to see if there are some other things I can enable or check out before hitting support.
  • Hey Jeff, thanks so much for your reply.. I'm running the same version.. and nadda.. I left the xls and xlsx export to run for almost 15 mins while exporting only 20K results. huh.. not sure what the issue is.. I was hoping that Dev would reply to see if there are some other things I can enable or check out before hitting support.
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