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Latest ChangeAuditor Version XLS(X) export does not work

Hello, in exporting the query results in either xls or xlsx version the client crashes/freezes. csv works fine.

is anyone else having an issue?

I also minimized the search results to only include 20000 events and same thing happens.

any thoughts?

  • I just did some tests with 6.9 build 1753 running on 2008R2 64-bit OS. All three methods exported 20830 events successfully into their respective formats. I did notice that csv was much faster <30 seconds where the other two were a couple minutes, although I didn't time them. I didn't experience any crashes but it does "appear" to freeze during the export. I would suggest logging a Service Request with Quest Support. It is possible it has something to do with your workstation or something else, but Support would be best equipped to help. Maybe others have seen this problem.
  • I just did some tests with 6.9 build 1753 running on 2008R2 64-bit OS. All three methods exported 20830 events successfully into their respective formats. I did notice that csv was much faster <30 seconds where the other two were a couple minutes, although I didn't time them. I didn't experience any crashes but it does "appear" to freeze during the export. I would suggest logging a Service Request with Quest Support. It is possible it has something to do with your workstation or something else, but Support would be best equipped to help. Maybe others have seen this problem.
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