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Latest ChangeAuditor Version XLS(X) export does not work

Hello, in exporting the query results in either xls or xlsx version the client crashes/freezes. csv works fine.

is anyone else having an issue?

I also minimized the search results to only include 20000 events and same thing happens.

any thoughts?

  • I just did some tests with 6.9 build 1753 running on 2008R2 64-bit OS. All three methods exported 20830 events successfully into their respective formats. I did notice that csv was much faster <30 seconds where the other two were a couple minutes, although I didn't time them. I didn't experience any crashes but it does "appear" to freeze during the export. I would suggest logging a Service Request with Quest Support. It is possible it has something to do with your workstation or something else, but Support would be best equipped to help. Maybe others have seen this problem.
  • Hey Jeff, thanks so much for your reply.. I'm running the same version.. and nadda.. I left the xls and xlsx export to run for almost 15 mins while exporting only 20K results. huh.. not sure what the issue is.. I was hoping that Dev would reply to see if there are some other things I can enable or check out before hitting support.
  • so.. retried the export in excel format without filtering and it work. then I redid the filter by userid and exported. left it running for 4 days.. nothing. I really think this is a bug. ill try and get support involved. just wanted the community to know. thanks
  • I didn't focus on having a filter in my initial test, so I did a few tests this morning. I was successful even with adding filters. So maybe it is something specific about the filter you are using or the data in that filtered list. I think you should log a case with Quest Support to get it documented and if it is a bug they can work on it. As a potential work around, have you tried altering the search properties to match the affect of your filter and then try the export? This could possibly give you the desired result.
  • This is great info Jeff. thanks so much. yeah weird.. never had this happen before.. the reason for the filter was the list count for each userid.. but I guess well have to do it manually in excel. thanks for the reply.