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Group Names grayed out in User Management in Foglight

 We're still fairly new with using Foglight and ran into this issue now.

I set up the LDAP several weeks ago & it appeared to be running fine then.  I was able to add users to groups with no problems.  I have about 26 users in a "All developers" group we added back then.

Fast forward a few weeks & I am trying to add a new user to this "All developers" group but it is grayed out as you can see from below:


How do I now get this new user added to this group?  



  • Hi John,

    Looks like these grayed out groups were imported from LDAP. These are not managed from within Foglight, so you will have to add users to the group using your LDAP directory.

    Let me know if that works,

  • Hi John,

    Looks like these grayed out groups were imported from LDAP. These are not managed from within Foglight, so you will have to add users to the group using your LDAP directory.

    Let me know if that works,

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