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High CPU on FMS after v8.5 Upgrade

I recently upgraded Foglight VEE to v8.5 from v8.3 and it seems that around 2am or so, the cpu gets pegged at 100% and stays there.  I have tried restarting the agent manager, but that did not help.  The only way to "fix" it, is to Shutdown the FMS and SQL server and start them up again.  It is then good until the next morning.

I have seen some patches for VEE v8.5 cartridges.  Should I install them and see if that fixes the problem?



  • Hello Sean,

    Did you upgrade Agent Manager/s and agent/s after FVE upgrade because these wont happen automatically. There is a DB maintenance job that runs everyday at 2:00AM that may spike up CPU but it should go back to normal as soon it finishes plus this is not something new in FVE 8.5 meaning this DB maintenance job has bee there in all previous versions as well.

    It would probably be better if you open a ticket for further investigation.


  • Hello Sean,

    Did you upgrade Agent Manager/s and agent/s after FVE upgrade because these wont happen automatically. There is a DB maintenance job that runs everyday at 2:00AM that may spike up CPU but it should go back to normal as soon it finishes plus this is not something new in FVE 8.5 meaning this DB maintenance job has bee there in all previous versions as well.

    It would probably be better if you open a ticket for further investigation.


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