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New FMS setup for changing the DB type



We are planning to change our database type from Oracle to MSSQL.

And we are talking this opportunity to upgrade the FMS version also.


To achieve this we are completely uninstalling old FMS(version 5.6.11) and reinstalling the new FMS(version 5.7.5) in the same server.


I have few question here could anyone please answer this please?

  1. We want to import all the customs rules and dashboard to new FMS. What is the best way to do this? Is this possible with different version of the FMS?
  2. After the installation will all the old Agents will connect back to the new FMS?


Can guide me what are all the other steps I need to consider here?





  • Hi Vivek,

    I think we have our answer then.

    The FGLAMs are separate entities and specific to the type of server you have them installed on. Providing the FMS is installed on the same server you should be fine. If you installing the latest version of the FMS then the only problem I can see is that you may have to manually update the FGLAMS to the latest version as well if they do not connect to the FMS straight away. If they connect then you should be able to upgrade them from the Agent Managers dashboard once you have installed the latest cartridge.

    In fact, in the latest updates of the cartridges the groovy script on the rule conditions have been updated and a lot of the rules and rulettes have been improved. Whenever I upgrade a cartridge I normally check the new rules in the cartridge against the custom rules I have set up to check for these improvements.

    After a discussion with my team, we are going to continue to look at upgrading but over a long period. Effectively using the current linux based FMS as a backup and for reporting for historical purposes. We will have to work with a fresh clean install as well.

    One of my concerns with dashboards is that I create dashboards using the Service Builder as a base. If you do this as well you may end up having to recreate a lot of dashboards anyway.

    This upgrade is going to be a massive undertaking. Keep me posted with how it goes.
  • Hi Vivek,

    I think we have our answer then.

    The FGLAMs are separate entities and specific to the type of server you have them installed on. Providing the FMS is installed on the same server you should be fine. If you installing the latest version of the FMS then the only problem I can see is that you may have to manually update the FGLAMS to the latest version as well if they do not connect to the FMS straight away. If they connect then you should be able to upgrade them from the Agent Managers dashboard once you have installed the latest cartridge.

    In fact, in the latest updates of the cartridges the groovy script on the rule conditions have been updated and a lot of the rules and rulettes have been improved. Whenever I upgrade a cartridge I normally check the new rules in the cartridge against the custom rules I have set up to check for these improvements.

    After a discussion with my team, we are going to continue to look at upgrading but over a long period. Effectively using the current linux based FMS as a backup and for reporting for historical purposes. We will have to work with a fresh clean install as well.

    One of my concerns with dashboards is that I create dashboards using the Service Builder as a base. If you do this as well you may end up having to recreate a lot of dashboards anyway.

    This upgrade is going to be a massive undertaking. Keep me posted with how it goes.
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