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New FMS setup for changing the DB type



We are planning to change our database type from Oracle to MSSQL.

And we are talking this opportunity to upgrade the FMS version also.


To achieve this we are completely uninstalling old FMS(version 5.6.11) and reinstalling the new FMS(version 5.7.5) in the same server.


I have few question here could anyone please answer this please?

  1. We want to import all the customs rules and dashboard to new FMS. What is the best way to do this? Is this possible with different version of the FMS?
  2. After the installation will all the old Agents will connect back to the new FMS?


Can guide me what are all the other steps I need to consider here?





  • Hi,

    Thanks for that!!

    i had raised case but support told me that they will not support for changing the database type from one to another (Oracle to MSSQL), so i came up with this idea using fresh installation.

    My only concern was exporting dashboard which were present in this present version(5.6.11) to newer version of the FMS(5.7.5), because in this KB article it is mentioned like that but now you cleared my doubt, thank you for that.

    And connecting back the FGLAM to FMS i think i don't need to do anything since we are installing the FMS on the same server.
    we are installing the FMS on same server - we are stopping the present FMS and installing the new FMS on same server, so we dont need to make any changes on FGLAM side, correct?

  • Hi,

    Thanks for that!!

    i had raised case but support told me that they will not support for changing the database type from one to another (Oracle to MSSQL), so i came up with this idea using fresh installation.

    My only concern was exporting dashboard which were present in this present version(5.6.11) to newer version of the FMS(5.7.5), because in this KB article it is mentioned like that but now you cleared my doubt, thank you for that.

    And connecting back the FGLAM to FMS i think i don't need to do anything since we are installing the FMS on the same server.
    we are installing the FMS on same server - we are stopping the present FMS and installing the new FMS on same server, so we dont need to make any changes on FGLAM side, correct?

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