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Auto restart FMS daemon

Is there a way to restart the FMS daemon upon "Caused by: java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space" being found in the management server log?

FMS is


  • Hi Matt,

    I do not know any method to restart FMS when OOM errors are found. As far as I know that can only be done for Agent Managers.

    These errors can be found if FMS is running on a virtual machine and memory is being reclaimed by the host, or other issues, like JVM heap sizing.

    You might be able to find a workaround to restart the process, but if you engage our support team, they should be able to find the root cause and solve it.


  • Hi Matt,

    I do not know any method to restart FMS when OOM errors are found. As far as I know that can only be done for Agent Managers.

    These errors can be found if FMS is running on a virtual machine and memory is being reclaimed by the host, or other issues, like JVM heap sizing.

    You might be able to find a workaround to restart the process, but if you engage our support team, they should be able to find the root cause and solve it.


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