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Write IO size for datastore using derived metrics

I need help to calculate Total latency for datastores with below formula.

latency/ceil(IO size/32KB))

Is there a way to calculate write IO size for datastore using derived metrics? I see this metric is not available at the moment in vFoglight.


  • Hi Gaston,

    In my case first option should be better because we are not managing OS layer ( Once high latency has been detected for the datastore, the rule will have to check if the Virtual Machines in that datastore are issuing large block sizes.)

    Thank you.


  • Hi Gaston,

    In my case first option should be better because we are not managing OS layer ( Once high latency has been detected for the datastore, the rule will have to check if the Virtual Machines in that datastore are issuing large block sizes.)

    Thank you.


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