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Write IO size for datastore using derived metrics

I need help to calculate Total latency for datastores with below formula.

latency/ceil(IO size/32KB))

Is there a way to calculate write IO size for datastore using derived metrics? I see this metric is not available at the moment in vFoglight.


  • We have VMs with windows 2008 server that when performing some tasks will utilize large I/O block size with an average of 200 KB, because of this latency is reported high on the volumes where VMs are located. Vmkernel issues IOs block size of 32k. That is the reason for which we need to calculate latency with this formula.


  • We have VMs with windows 2008 server that when performing some tasks will utilize large I/O block size with an average of 200 KB, because of this latency is reported high on the volumes where VMs are located. Vmkernel issues IOs block size of 32k. That is the reason for which we need to calculate latency with this formula.


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