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How do you change the display name for your posts?

In profile, "Sign-in, Display Name,  The name that will be displayed next to your posts" is not editable.

  • Here is how you can change your display name in the community to your desired name, this is the name that will be displayed along with all your posts in the Community.

    To edit your display name follow these steps:

    • Click on your avatar photo on the top left corner
    • Then click on “Profile”

    • Click on “Edit Profile” 

    • Change your Display Name to the desired name on editable form highlighted in yellow

    • Click “Save Profile” and you are done.

    * Display Name change will not change your profile url

  • Cool, thanks. Just seemed a little misleading where it says change display name but that's not really the correct place. I appreciate your help, this is great.