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TOAD 13 is much slower than the previous version 12

TOAD 13 is much slower than the previous version 12.


I notice this especially when managing the packages in the schema browser. It takes about 30 seconds and more before the source code is displayed.

Changing the tables in the schema browser takes much longer than with the previous version.


It feels like it's a debug version.

  • Former Member
    Former Member over 6 years ago
    Good day Stefan
    Please, can you submit this feedback in our Toad communities?

    Our Developers will check your feedback and take matters into account.

    Thank you for your Feedback
  • Hello,

    I have made a small video.

    You can see, the switch between package and package body takes about 6 seconds, and this is fast!
    In other situation toad hangs completely for a 30 seconds.

    I switch back to version 12.