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A/D report with expiration dates - not reporting all user objects

I started with the AD report "Account Expiration Date".

I am trying to find all user objects in the domain with an expiration date. I have tried the parameter for field "Domain User: Expiration Date (Domain User)" with a condition operator "has a value" and I only get back a handful, and I know there are more that are not listed. I wanted something for the field like "is not null" and it's not an available option. I even tried the past N days or future N days, as suggested in a post, and that is not returning all accounts, either. I run a discovery monthly.

When I clicked the link to the custom report in a previous post about similar issues, the page is missing. I prefer not to use the custom reports as one cannot modify the layout, which I do for all of your reports. :)

E L Powell

  • Hello Powell

    The SQL script can be executed on a database tool like SQL Management Studio. I script will give all the users and their expiration date. I wanted to check if the data in the database is in sync with the data in your AD.

    The hidden parameter is available in the newer version of Enterprise Reporter and not in v2.0.5.1

    I recommend that you take this up with the support team for further assistance.

    Thank you


  • Hello Powell

    The SQL script can be executed on a database tool like SQL Management Studio. I script will give all the users and their expiration date. I wanted to check if the data in the database is in sync with the data in your AD.

    The hidden parameter is available in the newer version of Enterprise Reporter and not in v2.0.5.1

    I recommend that you take this up with the support team for further assistance.

    Thank you


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