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A/D report with expiration dates - not reporting all user objects

I started with the AD report "Account Expiration Date".

I am trying to find all user objects in the domain with an expiration date. I have tried the parameter for field "Domain User: Expiration Date (Domain User)" with a condition operator "has a value" and I only get back a handful, and I know there are more that are not listed. I wanted something for the field like "is not null" and it's not an available option. I even tried the past N days or future N days, as suggested in a post, and that is not returning all accounts, either. I run a discovery monthly.

When I clicked the link to the custom report in a previous post about similar issues, the page is missing. I prefer not to use the custom reports as one cannot modify the layout, which I do for all of your reports. :)

E L Powell

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