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Show only enabled account and account member


I need a report that show only enabled users.

I tried to add Is Disabled (Account) and Is Disabled (Account member) but it doe not work: it seems that it consider only one of these two parameters, while I need to show enbaled account AND enabled account member.

Can somebody help me?




  • Hi Alex,

    sorry for the late response.

    Version is 2.5.1, now I explain what I tried, perhaps I am failing in understanding the right process:

    1. Edit Report "File and Folder Permission with membership"

    2. Tab Fields, Add "Is Disabled- Account" and "Is disabled-Account member"

    3. Tab Parameters, Click Create, add the two Fields above

    4. Save report

    5. Insert path in report, Set no to two Field "Is disabled" since I don't want the report to display disabled users

    Result, always report show no result

    If I change to "Include all results" data is displayed

    Can you please help me understanding where am I wrong?




  • Hi Alex,

    sorry for the late response.

    Version is 2.5.1, now I explain what I tried, perhaps I am failing in understanding the right process:

    1. Edit Report "File and Folder Permission with membership"

    2. Tab Fields, Add "Is Disabled- Account" and "Is disabled-Account member"

    3. Tab Parameters, Click Create, add the two Fields above

    4. Save report

    5. Insert path in report, Set no to two Field "Is disabled" since I don't want the report to display disabled users

    Result, always report show no result

    If I change to "Include all results" data is displayed

    Can you please help me understanding where am I wrong?




No Data