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Local Group Change History

Is there a report, or can one be created, that can view the change history on local groups of servers, such as Administrators, Power Users, etc?


Ideally we would like to be able to get the list of all changes for all servers in a particular OU.


Any help would be appreciated!



  • Hi Brandon,

    Thanks for posting on the community. In the Configuration Manager you have the option to turn on Change History for Computer discoveries. This is located in the Configuration section under Discovery Management. It will start collecting changes in subsequent discovery runs on the computers you have selected.

    In Report Manager you can then run the Group Membership Change History Report under the Change History category. You can then select the accounts you wish to report on.

    Please let us know if we can help any further,

  • Yeah, this is the report I was working with, but you have to specifically add each server separately by their group (so servername\Administrators, servername\Power Users, etc), which can get tedious and servers can be missed since it's a manual process.

    We were hoping to be able to add an OU (which all our servers belong to) and then specify the groups we want to track changes for and then if a new server gets added to the OU it would automatically show in the next report, nothing manual needs to be done.

    We got around this by getting creative with wildcards, since most of our servers have a naming convention and start with the same 3 characters, so we could use this format: 3char*\Administrators, which would get all devices with the name that starts with those 3 characters' administrators group. It's not ideal, since we have to make sure we stick to the naming standards that we use, or we have to update the report if we do stray from it.
  • Hey Brandon,

    We can come up with a custom query report for this if there are multiple OU's being collected in the Computer discovery If there isn't multiple we can send steps to manually edit the report.

    Let me know.

  • Custom Query Parameter


    Hello Brandon

    I've attached a custom query report that will take Organizational Units and Local Group Names as parameters. It will match the local group names against all the servers in the OU and reports the change history.

    For performance reasons, this report will not take wildcard characters.

    While specifying the LocalGroupName, remove the machine name and use only the group name. For OU, please use the canonical name. To simplify selection of parameter values, I've also attached a sql script file, which will insert custom query parameter values for this report.

    Please run the sql script file on ER database before importing the report in your Report Library.

    Let me know if you further questions on this.

    Thank you
