disabled users in the last xx days

Hi Team, We need the disabled accounts report as follows, kindly assist

  • Daily – Accounts disabled the day before.
  • Weekly – Accounts disabled the previous week, to be send on Monday Mornings.
  • Monthly – Accounts disabled the previous month, to be sent on the 1st of each month
  • The important thing to understand up front is that Reporter captures the state of accounts' attributes each time you collect data.  It cannot precisely tell you when an account was disabled only that it was disabled since the last time you collected data about the account.  So if you collect account data daily then using change history, you will be able to see what accounts were disabled from day to day.

    The reports you are looking for differ only in the time period filter or "parameter".

    Ensure that Change History is enabled in the Configuration Manager.

    I would suggest you experiment with the Parameters on the built-in Disabled Accounts report (it's in the Active Directory category).  You will need to copy the report to "My Reports" to modify it.  Add the "Last Collected" field to the Parameters.  In this field you can specify the number of days in the past you want to show data for.

  • thank you  we have change history enabled and we have daily discoveries running on, with that in place, I followed the steps and ran few test reports based on time period using "Last Collected" field but unfortunately I see the same data for last 1 day or 30 days, no difference in the data extracted, is there any other way to query/ retrieve the data based on time period filtering ?