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Enumeration of Directly-assigned Domain Users Causing Report to Take a Long Time as well as being Very Large

The NTFS Folder Permission with Membership report is taking an excessive amount of time to load or is failing.  The 'Domain Users' group is being fully enumerated/listed for each folder/file which is resulting in 5000 plus page reports.  I need a method of conditionally/selectively choosing which groups to NOT enumerate/expand in nested groups, etc.


    Hi Naureen,

    I downloaded and tested the new custom report, however I am unable to exclude certain users from being reported.  I had originally modified the default 'Folder Permissions with Membership' report to add a parameter of 'Account: Account Name (Account)' in order to exclude Domain Administrators, System, Administrators from even being listed in the report when we provided it to the end users.

    This was a feature we were shown during presales to meet our reporting requirements.

    In the new custom report, it also appears that I am unable to select a Share from the "Include the following paths:" section.




    Basically, I need the "Folder Permissions with Membership" report to be able to exclude specific users accounts and groups from even being displayed, as well as the ability to specify which groups to NOT expand inline (Domain Users, including others that contain a large amount of users and results in the report failing to run or being 10,000 pages)

    The base "Folder Permissions with Membership" report already has a section for handling nested groups and their members, however I need this to include directly applied members as well as nested.


    Let me know if you need any additional information.


    Dan Sorenson



    Hi Naureen,

    I downloaded and tested the new custom report, however I am unable to exclude certain users from being reported.  I had originally modified the default 'Folder Permissions with Membership' report to add a parameter of 'Account: Account Name (Account)' in order to exclude Domain Administrators, System, Administrators from even being listed in the report when we provided it to the end users.

    This was a feature we were shown during presales to meet our reporting requirements.

    In the new custom report, it also appears that I am unable to select a Share from the "Include the following paths:" section.




    Basically, I need the "Folder Permissions with Membership" report to be able to exclude specific users accounts and groups from even being displayed, as well as the ability to specify which groups to NOT expand inline (Domain Users, including others that contain a large amount of users and results in the report failing to run or being 10,000 pages)

    The base "Folder Permissions with Membership" report already has a section for handling nested groups and their members, however I need this to include directly applied members as well as nested.


    Let me know if you need any additional information.


    Dan Sorenson


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