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User Rights with nested membership

Hello.  I am looking for a User Rights report like the built in report, but that supports nested membership.  Essentially I need to be able to input a user(s) and computer(s) and see every ntright/user right that user(s) has on the specified computer(s) including via nested group membership.

The built in report does not show nested membership.  The custom report hosted on the site shows me via nested membership but is not customize-able to specify a specific user(s) or computer(s).

  • Hi Ivan.

    First off thank you for the assistance. I imported this report to test it and while it does show user rights through nested membership on computers, the accounts field does not work. If I run a search on a user "Contoso\User1" who has no direct user rights but has user rights through nested membership, the report is empty. Ideally I could select either a computer and get the rights including nested membership OR I could select a user and get the rights including nested membership OR both. If this cannot be done in one report then multiple reports would be fine.

    To summarize: The usecase is:

    1) Input computer(s) and get all principals with user rights on the specified computer(s) even through nested membership.

    2) Input security principal(s) and get all user rights on all computer(s) even through nested membership.

    3) Input computer(s) and security principal(s) and get all user rights for input security principals on all computer(s) specified even through nested membership.
  • Hi Ivan.

    First off thank you for the assistance. I imported this report to test it and while it does show user rights through nested membership on computers, the accounts field does not work. If I run a search on a user "Contoso\User1" who has no direct user rights but has user rights through nested membership, the report is empty. Ideally I could select either a computer and get the rights including nested membership OR I could select a user and get the rights including nested membership OR both. If this cannot be done in one report then multiple reports would be fine.

    To summarize: The usecase is:

    1) Input computer(s) and get all principals with user rights on the specified computer(s) even through nested membership.

    2) Input security principal(s) and get all user rights on all computer(s) even through nested membership.

    3) Input computer(s) and security principal(s) and get all user rights for input security principals on all computer(s) specified even through nested membership.
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