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Domain Groups Without Members With Last Modified Date


I expanded the Last modified date attribute within Enterprise Reporter, did a collection.. and then went to expand the Domain Groups without Members report to see if I could add that Attribute and it wasn't available.

is there any way that someone could point me in the right direction?

I have a customer that would like to know if the empty groups should be deleted.. but they want to delete older ones.

any assistance is greatly appreciated.




  • Hey df,


    I've done the same thing for my customers. The last modified date for groups isn't discovered by default, but its easy enough to add in.


    Go into Configuration Manager:



    Then add in the appropriate attribute:


  • Hey df,


    I've done the same thing for my customers. The last modified date for groups isn't discovered by default, but its easy enough to add in.


    Go into Configuration Manager:



    Then add in the appropriate attribute:


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