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  • Desktop Authority Preproduction environment!!

    • Ideas
    • Under Review on Oct 13, 2020
    Does anyone here who still uses Desktop Authority have a way to test new releases in a preproduction environment before deploying the client to everyone???
    • Oct 13, 2020 9:45 PM
  • Alert - pop-up box

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    • Under Review on Jul 10, 2020
    I was playing with one of the Alerts in one of my profiles. I was causing it create a pop-up box. Now I can't get ride of the box that is popping up. I reset the alert to the defaults. I even deleted the profile. I can't tell where this pop-up is coming...
    • Jul 10, 2020 5:21 PM
  • Off Network Remote Connection

    • Ideas
    • Under Review on Mar 23, 2018
    Off Network should be available to devices without them having previously connected to our domain. Maybe have an installer that can setup the necessary files and settings Also, the configurations should be accessed by the off network device through...
    • Mar 23, 2018 3:08 PM