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Any word on the next release?

Version 9.3 came out 7 months ago. Any word on a new release? or what features might be in it? perhaps IE support on the console or better reporting, maybe exchange 2016?


  • I spotted an old post by Fernando Volonte, who said "development is ongoing and we will be releasing a major release of DA in the very near future (Q3 timeframe) barring any unforseen issues."

    It sounds like something is in the works but it is quite surprising that there are no mentions of it, no pre-release info, nothing. I hope nothing has happened to derail it.
  • I spotted an old post by Fernando Volonte, who said "development is ongoing and we will be releasing a major release of DA in the very near future (Q3 timeframe) barring any unforseen issues."

    It sounds like something is in the works but it is quite surprising that there are no mentions of it, no pre-release info, nothing. I hope nothing has happened to derail it.
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