How to get Application Launcher to open web browser to our home page if running the slogic.bat manually? (No problem if on prem)

Our on-prem computers have no issue when they log into windows that an application launcher element armed with the path to chrome.exe with the argument of our internal intranet site launches.  However our at-home users on VPN (including me 4 days out of the week) do not have this happen.

Our work-from-home OU has two desktop shortcuts placed.  One called Network Login which is simply a path to\netlogon\slogic.bat, and the second shortcut to their networked documents on \\\dfs\users\%username%

This is the work from home experience:

Log into windows.

Open Cisco VPN client desktop icon.  Authenticate to the VPN using windows credentials and acknowledge the 2fa push notification on your mobile device.

Once the VPN is connected, double click the Network login desktop icon.  This runs slogic.bat.  It maps drives, might install or update a program if we added anything and does any other registry or what have you modifications we need to stay current.

Once that is done (usually 20-40 seconds),  they can open skype for business and our phone system client.

Here is the experience in the office:

Log into windows,

Chrome automatically opens to our intranet site while the rest of the desktop authority script runs automatically in the background.

Those networked documents... well that is folder redirected so just documents, desktop, etc... are really pointed to\dfs\users\%username.  You can sit at any computer in any branch office and have the same desktop icons and documents without a full-blown windows "roaming profile".  Can't do this at home because you have to connect to the VPN first (chicken before the egg).  No big deal, that's why work from home has a desktop shortcut and they can make their own shortcuts if they want.

So why in the office logging in does chrome launch but at home running slogic.bat manually does chrome NOT launch?  It doesn't matter if the EXE path is iexplorer.exe or firefox.exe.  They only seem to launch in the office at first login.  The element is not only set to login but also set to desktop.  That should take care of it, right?

Thanks for your help.

  • Hello,

    Thank you for the detailed description of your issue. Based on my understanding of this issue I believe a more in-depth analysis is required than can be provided through this channel. I recommend opening a service request (SR) using the Manage Service Request link and then use the “Submit Request” button. In this way, we can review the issue over a Webex session, review the pertinent logs and any other configuration related to the VPN.

    We will be more than glad to help you once the service request is created.

  • Ok 4879438 opened.  Its split up above couldn't all fit so that text is split between the description and the environment fields in the ticket.

    Its a simple question, but I don't know that support is going to help besides tell me to upgrade from 10.2.  Yeah well I don't know how your supposed to do that when a good portion of computers are remote.  We will upgrade after September.  It looks like were tentatively targeting returning to work after labor day.

  • Hmm I rebooted last night due to 6 pending Dell command updates, including a BIOS update so today to document and get pictures of everything when I clicked our desktop icon that runs slogic.bat, it ran through the script and a new tab opened in my chrome browser to our start up page.  Nothings changed, I'm not sure what is going on but it seemed to work for me today.

  • Hello, Thank you for opening the service request on our site. We will try to help you using your current version. We understand sometimes our customers are not able to upgrade. The owner engineer of your case will work with you to review your issue. 

  • Hello,

    Hmmm, seems like something change here. It could be related to the Dell updates. There are too many variables and the best way to troubleshoot what is going on here is over a Webex session and reviewing all the pertinent logs. The owner engineer of your case will work with you to review your issue.