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Failed MSI installers

We are unable to get MSI to deploy in DA below is one of the examples of SLtrace

16:09:33 Assessing machine for package: FOXITREADER90_ENU_SETUP.MSI [FOXITREADER90_ENU_SETUP.MSI, , , 41]

16:09:34 Assessment returned: 0 16:09:34 FOXITREADER90_ENU_SETUP.MSI needs to be Installed!

16:09:34 Queueing: FOXITREADER90_ENU_SETUP.MSI - [, , 41]

16:09:34 Launching .InstallPatches(0, 4, 1, 1, 10) 16:10:59 sub> slRegEdit: Action=[WriteValue] Key=[HKLM\Software\ScriptLogic\SMO] Value=[FOXITREADER90_ENU_SETUP] Data=[{64BA838F-B0E1-4270-8E93-132A49E7BA4E}] Type=[Reg_SZ] Force32=[1]