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I need to lock down the general settings for expert assist. My boss doesn't want people to be able to uncheck the "ask user for permission" check box.

I need to lock down the general settings for expert assist.  My boss doesn't want people to be able to uncheck the "ask user for permission" check box.

  • This can be done by using the “Access Control” section of the Remote Management element.

    1. If these users are Administrators then you first need to uncheck the box “Grant full control to administrators”
    2. After that you can add the specific users or groups you want to use Expert Assist using Access Control.
    3. When changing the permissions start off by clicking the “Select all” button to allow everything.
    4. Then you can take away the options as needed.
    5. The setting to “ask for permission…” is under Preferences when connecting to a machine. To prevent users from accessing the Preferences section uncheck all the boxes for “Configuration” in Access Control.
    6. Confirm, Save, and Replicate the changes.
    7. The next time the target machine runs Desktop Authority these new settings will be applied.  
  • This can be done by using the “Access Control” section of the Remote Management element.

    1. If these users are Administrators then you first need to uncheck the box “Grant full control to administrators”
    2. After that you can add the specific users or groups you want to use Expert Assist using Access Control.
    3. When changing the permissions start off by clicking the “Select all” button to allow everything.
    4. Then you can take away the options as needed.
    5. The setting to “ask for permission…” is under Preferences when connecting to a machine. To prevent users from accessing the Preferences section uncheck all the boxes for “Configuration” in Access Control.
    6. Confirm, Save, and Replicate the changes.
    7. The next time the target machine runs Desktop Authority these new settings will be applied.  
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