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Estimating Workload for New setup Change Auditor & GPOAdmin

We are planning to deploy a new auditing setup using Quest Change Auditor and Control tool and also the GPOAdmin tool

1. First AD Forest (total of 3 domains) close to 100 DCs - each dc generates close of 2 million security events every day

2. Second AD Forest (total of 11 Domains) close to 25 DC's - each dc generates close of 2 million security events every day

3. We plan to deploy total of 8 servers 4 per forest all servers will be running Change Auditor and GPOAdmin tool

4. I need to know what is the workload in terms of MAN Days/Hours is required for this maintenance of this sort environment




  • Hi Himanshu,

    If this is Change Auditor for AD only (no other modules) then 2 coordinator servers per forest will suffice. Maintenance will be low aside from the usual periodic upgrades of the application itself. Deployment and upgrades also require little time typically. Installation/upgrade of the coordinators takes minutes and agents can then be bulk upgraded as you see fit.

  • Hi Himanshu,

    If this is Change Auditor for AD only (no other modules) then 2 coordinator servers per forest will suffice. Maintenance will be low aside from the usual periodic upgrades of the application itself. Deployment and upgrades also require little time typically. Installation/upgrade of the coordinators takes minutes and agents can then be bulk upgraded as you see fit.

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