• Ransomware: O custo de não fazer nada

    Quase metade das invasões residenciais ocorrem sem o uso da força, de acordo com artigo publicado em Protected Home (em inglês). Isto é: alguém deixou uma porta ou uma janela destravada. Ladrões gostam de coisas fáceis e se gostassem de…

  • Ransomware: The Cost of Doing Nothing


    Nearly half of home break-ins occur without use of force, according to this article. Meaning: Somebody left a door or window unlocked. Thieves like it easy. If they liked to work, they’d get a job rather than try to rob you. In fact, cops will tell…

  • What It Means to Lead in IT: Moving to the Forefront of Application Availability


    Four things you need to do to achieve a data-driven business.

    Earlier this month, Independence Day got me thinking about leadership. Certainly, we all want our country to lead on the world stage in our dynamic and sometimes chaotic times. Whatever your…

  • Isn’t it time to expect more from IT management?

    It's Your Time

    It’s crazy - technology and business are moving faster than ever and you’re sprinting just to keep up. Meanwhile, your workday is wasted on tons of repetitive, day-to-day tasks. That’s why we hosted a Virtual Tradeshow.

    The bad news…

  • How to Become a Data Protection Hero

    You don’t have to be faster than a speeding bullet or more powerful than a locomotive to become a data protection hero. You simply need to address the when, where, why and how of protecting your organization’s applications and data against various threats…