Top 7 Hybrid Active Directory Security Sessions You Must Attend at Microsoft Ignite

This blog is cutting out the chitchat and giving you exactly what you’re searching for: The top seven Hybrid Active Directory Security sessions at Microsoft Ignite.

You have limited time but want to join the best Active Directory sessions at Ignite. I did the research for you and found a mix of pre-recorded (watch at your leisure), ask the experts (literally join and ask the experts) and “live” (meaning they play at specific times) sessions.

For each listed below I give a one sentence write-up on WHY you should attend:

1. Winning Azure Active Directory strategies for identity security and governance

Why: This one is a good starting point to dive into Azure AD security strategies, no indication on if they will address hybrid AD.

Type: Digital Breakout

When: Several sessions on Tuesday & Wednesday with follow on Ask the Experts. See Session Scheduler for details.

Speakers: Nitika Gupta, Microsoft & Rahul Prakash, Microsoft

Identity-related cybersecurity incidents make news regularly, and the attacks have become more sophisticated for organizations to keep up. The key to successful identity management is moving towards an identity-centric security strategy that guards against insider and outsider attacks. In this session, we will discuss winning strategies you can do today with Azure Active Directory and achieve a stronger security posture with greater control over access rights and privileges.

2. Ask the Expert: Top Challenges of Hybrid Active Directory Security

Why: So this one is literally the only one that states it’s directly addressing on-prem and Azure AD Security AND you can ask your questions to a Microsoft Certified Master (only 100 of these in the world) Sean Metcalf.

Type: Ask the Experts

When: Wednesday, September 23 @ 3:15 p.m. – 3:45 p.m. EDT

Speakers: Sean Metcalf, Trimarc Security & Bryan Patton, Quest Software

Many organizations now have an on-premises Active Directory and Azure Active Directory with a synchronization engine called Azure AD Connect. This hybrid configuration provides numerous benefits, though there security concerns that arise when on-prem infrastructure is connected to cloud components. This Quest Ask the Experts session focuses on modern security concerns both on-premises and in the cloud relating to Active Directory.

 3. Top 4 Active Directory Security Issues from 2 Years of Security Assessments

Why: Full disclosure – this blog is from Quest and this session is Quest. I worked with Todd to prepare the content and its full of take-home-and-apply-TODAY material.

Type: Pre-Recorded for On Demand

Speaker: Todd Mera, Quest Software

Active Directory is the heart of security for most organizations, both on-prem and in the cloud. With that being said, ensuring the safety of your AD environment is critical for business continuity. So, what security problems should you look out for? In this session, Strategic System Consultant Todd Mera from Quest Software will discuss the top four most common security risk areas found in Active Directory deployments.

4. The science behind Azure Active Directory Identity Protection

Why: We all want to know how the sausage is made, and the same goes for understanding how Microsoft is building in security to AAD.

Type: Pre-Recorded for On Demand

Speakers: Eliza Kuzmenko, Microsoft & Sergio Romero, Microsoft

Azure Active Directory Identity Protection detects and prevents identity attacks in cloud environments and helps admins understand their risk standing with insights and reporting, enabling risk-based policies for a hands-free security experience. At the core of Identity Protection is its risk engine, which uses ML, UEBA, and anomaly detection to detect your compromised users. Come learn about the science that powers Identity Protection and how it is taking security intelligence to the next level.

5. Azure Active Directory: our vision and roadmap to help you secure remote access and boost employee productivity

Why: Who else doesn’t want to learn more about Zero Trust AND how Microsoft is building that into AAD.

Type: Digital Breakout

When: Several sessions on Tuesday & Wednesday with follow on Ask the Experts. See Session Scheduler for details.

Speakers: Joy Chik, Microsoft, Bailey Bercik, Microsoft, Jasmine Betthauser, Microsoft, Joey Cruz, Microsoft & Melanie Maynes, Microsoft

In this era of remote work, Zero Trust—a security approach that assumes breach and verifies every access request—is the new imperative. Identity and access management in the cloud, the foundation for Zero Trust, enables secure remote access and productivity. For everyone on the frontlines, this can’t-miss session will share the latest news on the Azure Active Directory roadmap to help you secure access to any app for any user on any device, automatically remediate threats, and protect privacy.

6. Govern access for employees and partners with Azure Active Directory Identity Governance

Why: Guest access is scary and necessary, especially engaging with Partners via Microsoft Teams; so learn more about how to govern it.

Type: Pre-Recorded for On Demand

Speakers: Elisabeth Olson, Microsoft & Mark Wahl, Microsoft Corporation

Azure Active Directory has Identity Governance and administration capabilities to help scale and govern access management for your entire workforce including partners. Come check out the latest news and demos around access reviews, entitlement management, and governing guest access to Microsoft Teams.

7. Azure Active Directory Updates: What's New, What's Changed

Why: Um, Alex Simons and Azure AD updates!

Type: Microsoft Ignite Live

Speaker: Alex Simons, Microsoft

Updates on new and changed functionality in Azure Active Directory

Join Microsoft Ignite for free by registering here.

Want More Hybrid AD Security Training? 

Wish you had more Hybrid AD Security sessions to attend? Then check out the 10 Hybrid AD Security sessions in the Hybrid AD Security Track of the free and virtual The Experts Conference (TEC), a conference with no product pitches, just practical AD and Office 365 training you can apply today! TEC2020 is November 17 & 18 – free and online.

Here’s just a few session titles:

  • AD in the Cloud: Untangling the Security Implications of the Many Variations of Hybrid AD – Randy Franklin Smith, Windows Security Expert,
  • Best Practices for Hybrid Identities with Azure AD – Ramiro Calderon, Microsoft & Vinayak Shenoy, Microsoft
  • Surviving a cyberattack: Lessons on security, people and funding from a notPetya survivor – Gavin Ashton, IAM specialist and author of “Maersk, notPetya, and me.”
  • Aligning AD Security Best Practices to the MITRE ATT&CK Framework – Nick Cavalancia, Microsoft MVP, Founder and Chief Techvangelist, Techvangelism
  • FIDO2 in Hybrid Environments – Pamela Dingle, Microsoft & Aakashi Kapoor, Microsoft

Register for TEC 2020 for free today!

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