Hank the Hacker is Coming for Your Active Directory

Hank the Hacker is coming.

Organizations like yours are sprinting to Microsoft cloud services, such as Office 365 and Azure Active Directory (AD). But as your cloud — and hybrid — footprint expands, so does your security risk. That’s because in a hybrid AD environment, you face all the security limitations of native AD plus those of Azure AD. That means you need to manage double the surface area to overcome potential data breaches and insider threats caused by hackers like Hank.

Who is Hank? What does he want?

Hank the Hacker appears in all shapes and sizes, from malicious cyber-attackers using sophisticated threat tactics like spear phishing emails, Ransomware or pass-the-hash techniques … to disgruntled ex-employees, temporary contractors, and even accidental changes made by careless employees. These threats can cause serious data breaches for your organization resulting in significant data loss, large penalties and fines, costing your company money and reputation. In fact, the average data breach costs organizations $4 million according to the 2016 Ponemon Institute study.

Hank’s big prize? Your Active Directory environment. It’s his crown jewel, and, if he cracks it, he controls your network, its data, the devices on it — the whole shebang.

Are you ready to do what’s necessary to stop Hank the Hacker and a million others like him?

Watch the video to learn more about how to overcome common hybrid AD security challenges and risks.

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