Singapore Team Celebrates Opening of New Office Facility

On Monday, April 9th, Quest and One Identity colleagues in Singapore celebrated the opening of our new downtown office facility. The opening represents the start of an exciting new chapter for our entire Singapore team, which moves from the legacy Dell facility located on the west side of Singapore to the new facility located right in the heart of the Lion City. The new office's central location puts all that downtown Singapore has to offer within walking distance for Quest and One Identity team members.

Though everyone is still settling in, the entire team is energized by the move, and is looking forward to leveraging everything the new space has to offer in order to continue developing great products and delivering great service to our customers and partners. To all of our colleagues around the world, we're excited to welcome you to the new office the next time you visit Singapore. Until then, please enjoy some photos from our new office celebration!



Video credit: Hollis Valencia

  • 在选择代写服务时,学生最关心的一个问题是保密性和隐私保护。专业的计量经济学代写 服务通常会严格遵守保密协议,确保学生的个人信息和学术资料不会泄露。代写平台会采取多种措施保护客户的隐私,包括使用加密技术、匿名沟通和安全支付等,以确保学生在使用服务的过程中没有后顾之忧。这种高水平的隐私保护使得学生可以放心地利用代写服务来提升他们的学术成绩。

  • 在选择代写服务时,学生最关心的一个问题是保密性和隐私保护。专业的计量经济学代写 服务通常会严格遵守保密协议,确保学生的个人信息和学术资料不会泄露。代写平台会采取多种措施保护客户的隐私,包括使用加密技术、匿名沟通和安全支付等,以确保学生在使用服务的过程中没有后顾之忧。这种高水平的隐私保护使得学生可以放心地利用代写服务来提升他们的学术成绩。

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