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Archive Manager Server Migration to a new Domain



During a Domain Migration we have moved the Archive Manager Server to the new Domain. Also, we have setup a new Exchange Server. All Mails was successfuly migrated to this new Exchange Server.

We have configured the adc.config file and Archive Manager "import" all the new Mailbox without problems, also ADC connection works fine. But (There is always a but), User can only login to the Archive Manager Website with the old Domain Account. If they choise the new Domain the Login failed.

Any Idea appreciated.




  • Good day Uwe,

    It's possible the Directory Connector setup is not complete. I do have a few follow up questions to help narrow it down

    1. What URL do user's access when going to the Archive Manager website? Is it the old URL or a new URL for the new domain?
    2. Are all of the bindings in IIS setup correctly for the ArchiveManager website so they can access it with the new URL?
    3. Is Windows Authentication enabled on the ArchiveManager website?

    - For Forms authentication, Forms & Anonymous Authentication should be enabled and Windows Authentication should be disabled.
    - For Windows authentication, Windows Authentication should be enabled and Anonymous Authentication should be disabled.

    Have a look at the Configuration Console and click on the Directory Connector tab.

    It's possible since you migrated the database, and started the services the Directory connector needs to be updated. However you stated that ADC works good and all the mailboxes were found. I would still check that, perhaps the new domain for some reason is not setup correctly which will affect authentication.

    For more information about the Directory Connector, please see the installation guide below point #8:

    As for log files, the Website.wlog, Webservice.wlog. The Log files can be found by default at C:\Dell\ArchiveManager\Logs.

    Please let me know how that goes when you have a moment. Any additional troubleshooting on my end if need be for a WebEx a Technical Support Service Request will be opened so that we can look at it further.

    Thank you,

  • Good day Uwe,

    It's possible the Directory Connector setup is not complete. I do have a few follow up questions to help narrow it down

    1. What URL do user's access when going to the Archive Manager website? Is it the old URL or a new URL for the new domain?
    2. Are all of the bindings in IIS setup correctly for the ArchiveManager website so they can access it with the new URL?
    3. Is Windows Authentication enabled on the ArchiveManager website?

    - For Forms authentication, Forms & Anonymous Authentication should be enabled and Windows Authentication should be disabled.
    - For Windows authentication, Windows Authentication should be enabled and Anonymous Authentication should be disabled.

    Have a look at the Configuration Console and click on the Directory Connector tab.

    It's possible since you migrated the database, and started the services the Directory connector needs to be updated. However you stated that ADC works good and all the mailboxes were found. I would still check that, perhaps the new domain for some reason is not setup correctly which will affect authentication.

    For more information about the Directory Connector, please see the installation guide below point #8:

    As for log files, the Website.wlog, Webservice.wlog. The Log files can be found by default at C:\Dell\ArchiveManager\Logs.

    Please let me know how that goes when you have a moment. Any additional troubleshooting on my end if need be for a WebEx a Technical Support Service Request will be opened so that we can look at it further.

    Thank you,

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