Archive manager service mailbox

Hi All,

I'm wondering how can I decrease the size of the ArchiveMGR_Service mailbox.

Right now it gain 400 GBs of our data. So just curious why we have the store on disk with database and also this mailbox on the Exchange server?

Couple of words of our environment, we have Exchange 2013 hybrid and most of mailboxes moved to the cloud already. 

  • Greetings, are you referring to the Archive Manager Journal Account? Is the "ArchiveMGR_Service" account you mentioned also your journal mailbox?

  • Yeah and that's bothering me. I think there is no point to store data on Exchange and also in Archive manager. Why do we need to store that twice, that's my question.

  • Your archive manager journal account should be cleaned out almost instantly once it processes the mail. How long have you been using Archive Manager? Has the account always existed in the same database? Is it a separate database from your users?   If database size is an issue your on prem maildb may have a ton of whitespace and you may need to run an eseutil. But if the journal account is on its own DB or you could create a new DB and move the account to the new DB. 

  • Your archive manager journal account should be cleaned out almost instantly once it processes the mail. How long have you been using Archive Manager? Has the account always existed in the same database? Is it a separate database from your users?   If database size is an issue your on prem maildb may have a ton of whitespace and you may need to run an eseutil. But if the journal account is on its own DB or you could create a new DB and move the account to the new DB. 

  • The account was always in the same DB, and there is about 10 other mailboxes there but they are about 50 megs each.  Sure DB has some whitespace, about 2 GB but its nothing comparing to archive mailbox for 400 GB.

    I just started to work with this quest software and wondering why this mailbox is so huge. Do you think that's a normal behavior?

    At the same time, there is no transport rules on Exchange side for journaling so I guess there should be much less size for the Archive Manager Journal Account.

  • Our Archive Manager Mailbox is only 3gb in size total. It is on its own db and has been up and running on this 1 database since 2007/2008. 

    We have our databases configured on each DB to journal email to the Archive Manager Journal Mailbox. It sounds like Archive Manager isn't cleaning out the mail after it is processing it. Is the Data Load service running on Archive Manager? Restart the Exchange Store manager service and then the Data Load Service.

  • I agree. If the Journal mailbox has content in it, that means this content has not been extracted. Something is wrong and needs to be investigated. 

  • Superb, thanks for this info.

    After restart I see the errors in event viewer so I guess something wrong there.

    --- 2020/01/24 10:34 ---
    E:\Quest\Archive Manager\ESMWorker.exe
    Quest® Archive Manager
    Computer name=AG-AM-APPS
    Process Id=141948
    User name=ArchiveMgr_Journal
    ---- C:\Users\ArchiveMgr_Journal\AppData\Local\Temp\Archive Data Load Service\Quest.AM.DataLoader.DataLoaderID.5.config.xml ----
      <Section Name="Mailbox">
        <Key Name="Name" Value="/o=Arctic Group/ou=Exchange Administrative Group (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/cn=Recipients/cn=ArchiveMgr_Journal502" />
        <Key Name="Type" Value="User" />
        <Key Name="DataLoaderID" Value="5" />
        <Key Name="MailServer" Value="AG-EX2K13-HYBRI" />
        <Key Name="Email" Value="" />
        <Key Name="DelegateEmailAddress" Value="" />
        <Key Name="UseProxy" Value="0" />
        <Key Name="Autodiscover" Value="1" />
      <Section Name="Config">
        <Key Name="AutodiscoverExchangeVersion" Value="2013" />
        <Key Name="AutodiscoverUseExternalMailboxServer" Value="0" />
        <Key Name="AutodiscoverOverrideSettings" Value="" />
        <Key Name="AutodiscoverTimeoutMsec" Value="120000" />
        <Key Name="Action" Value="journal" />
        <Key Name="LogLevel" Value="2" />
        <Key Name="~SQLConnectionString" Value="56TRPYxpUy/RpsBh7X0RG+7o9g3gAXU0yrHMPcAafzvXpMkzywd9KMCtzCrJd100wqLALpdzUi7Gotc92F9YevCgxineU0gjnpHXKckBcTvb5fUzw1YcCcq/wGGdCgxq" />
        <Key Name="SQLCommandTimeout" Value="600" />
        <Key Name="IsService" Value="1" />
        <Key Name="ExportFolder" Value="E:\Dell\ArchiveManager\Export\" />
        <Key Name="ProcessRows" Value="2500" />
        <Key Name="DeferJournalLoad" Value="1" />
        <Key Name="ProcessAllFolders" Value="0" />
        <Key Name="HomeTimeZoneInfo" Value="360,0/11/1|0|02:00,0,0/3/2|0|02:00,-60" />
        <Key Name="FailedMessageAbandonAfterDays" Value="0" />
        <Key Name="FailedMessagePurgeAfterDays" Value="0" />
        <Key Name="FailedMessageRetryIntervalMinutes" Value="60" />
        <Key Name="FailedMessageMaxRetries" Value="0" />
        <Key Name="ProfileName" Value="" />
        <Key Name="KeepProfile" Value="1" />
        <Key Name="ForceDeleteProfileWhenMetError" Value="1" />
        <Key Name="SourcePropertyConfigFile" Value="C:\Users\ArchiveMgr_Journal\AppData\Local\Temp\Archive Data Load Service\Quest.AM.DL.sourceprop.config.5.132796.xml.tmp" />
        <Key Name="MaxRetryCount" Value="3" />
        <Key Name="ExclusionPaths" Value="Contacts\Recipient Cache" />
    10:34:17 DEBUG: BEGIN Run()
    10:34:17 DEBUG: BEGIN RunningWalk()
    10:34:17 DEBUG: Memory Usage: WorkingSet=9384K,PeakWorkingSet=9384K,PageFaults=2765,PageFileUsage=3920K,PeakPageFileUsage=3920K,PrivateUsage=3920K
    10:34:17 DEBUG: Close the database connection
    10:34:17 DEBUG: Open the database connection
    10:34:17 DEBUG: BEGIN Connect()
    10:34:17 DEBUG: Downgraded SQL connection string
    10:34:17 DEBUG: Using ADO provider 'SQLNCLI'
    10:34:17 DEBUG: END Connect() - result 0
    10:34:17 Connect string is 'autodiscover=1;;server=;mailbox=;type=user;mode=journal;isservice=1;;autodiscoverUseExternalMailboxServer=0;autodiscoverExchangeVersion=2013;autodiscoverTimeoutMsec=120000'
    10:34:17 DEBUG: CExchangeSession::Login - begin
    10:34:17 DEBUG: CExchangeSession::Logout - begin
    10:34:17 DEBUG: CExchangeSession::Logout - end
    10:34:17 DEBUG: SHGetValue(HKCU,Software\Clients\Mail,<Default>) returns 00000002
    10:34:17 DEBUG: SHGetValue(HKLM,Software\Clients\Mail,<Default>) returns 00000000
    10:34:17 DEBUG: SHGetValue(HKLM,Software\Clients\Mail\Microsoft Outlook,DllPathEx) returns 00000000
    10:34:17 MAPI provider is Microsoft Outlook 15.0.5125.1000
    10:34:17 DEBUG: Creating AutodiscoverEWS instance by calling: Quest.ArchiveManager.AutodiscoverEWS
    10:34:18 Autodiscover response is:
    10:34:18  AuthPackage=Default
    10:34:18  ProxyAuthScheme=NTLM
    10:34:18  ServerDN=/o=AGroup/ou=Exchange Administrative Group (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/cn=Configuration/cn=Servers/
    10:34:18  ServerVersion=2013
    10:34:18  SSLOnly=true
    10:34:18  UserDN=/o=AGroup/ou=Exchange Administrative Group (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/cn=Recipients/cn=ArchiveMgr_Journal502
    10:34:18  MapiHttpEnabled=false
    10:34:18 Session.Login: Email is:
    10:34:18 DEBUG: SHGetValue(HKCU,Software\Clients\Mail,<Default>) returns 00000002
    10:34:18 DEBUG: SHGetValue(HKLM,Software\Clients\Mail,<Default>) returns 00000000
    10:34:18 DEBUG: SHGetValue(HKLM,Software\Clients\Mail\Microsoft Outlook,DllPathEx) returns 00000000
    10:34:18 MAPI provider is Microsoft Outlook 15.0.5125.1000
    10:34:18 Creating profile '' for ''
    10:34:18 DEBUG: ProfileInfo: ServerVersion=2013; UseAdminPriv=True; RunAsService=True; InstallOutLookForm=False;; ServerDn=/o=Arctic Group/ou=Exchange Administrative Group (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/cn=Configuration/cn=Servers/;;; UserDn=/o=Arctic Group/ou=Exchange Administrative Group (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/cn=Recipients/cn=ArchiveMgr_Journal502;; ProxyAuthScheme=Ntlm; UseSsl=True; TenantId=0; AuthPackage=Default; MapiHttpEnabled=False;
    10:34:18 DEBUG: Public Folder Account ProfileInfo: NULL
    10:34:18 DEBUG: Creating Outlook 2013 RPC HTTP profile
    10:34:18 DEBUG: MAPIAdminProfiles
    10:34:18 DEBUG: ProfAdmin.CreateProfile('')
    10:34:18 DEBUG: CAnswerCredPrompt::Start - begin
    10:34:18 DEBUG: CAnswerCredPrompt::Stop - begin
    10:34:18 DEBUG: CAnswerCredPrompt::Stop - end
    10:34:18 DEBUG: Waiting for monitor thread to start
    10:34:18 DEBUG: Auto-answer monitor thread has started
    10:34:18 DEBUG: CAnswerCredPrompt::Start - end
    10:34:18 DEBUG: ProfAdmin.AdminServices('')
    10:34:18 DEBUG: ServiceAdmin.CreateMsgService('MSEMS')
    10:34:18 DEBUG: ServiceAdmin.GetMsgServiceTable
    10:34:18 DEBUG: HrQueryAllRows(MsgServiceTable)
    10:34:18 DEBUG: ServiceAdmin.OpenProfileSection(flags=80001)
    10:34:18 DEBUG: ProfSect[EMSMDB].SetProps(props.cValues=14)
    10:34:18 DEBUG: ServiceAdmin.ConfigureMsgService(flags=0,props.cValues=3)
    10:34:19 DEBUG: MAPI string property is being converted from Unicode to ANSI. This message will not be reported again.
    10:34:19 DEBUG: Failed to OpenMsgStore 1 times, retrying ...
    10:34:20 DEBUG: Failed to OpenMsgStore 2 times, retrying ...
    10:34:22 ERROR: Session.OpenMsgStore:
    10:34:22  MAPI error 8004011D
    10:34:22  Error: Microsoft Exchange is not available.  Either there are network problems or the Exchange server is down for maintenance.
    10:34:22  Component: Microsoft Exchange Information Store
    10:34:22  Low level error: 80040115
    10:34:22  Context: 00000526
    10:34:22 CExchangeSession::Login open default store 8004011d
    10:34:22       Statistics for this run
    10:34:22  _____________________________________
    10:34:22   Folders processed     : 0
    10:34:22   Messages processed    : 0 (0 linked)
    10:34:22   Attachments processed : 0
    10:34:22   Errors                : 1
    10:34:22   Warnings              : 0
    10:34:22 Mailbox export complete.
    I guess I will check permissions on database for this account. It's not locked and seems good, Exchange works also for sure.
  • No, the permissions are good and no changes needed. No throttling policy also.

    Something different.

  • The output above with error is from Data Loader service, it has this error every minute. But at the same time ESM works and there is no errors in its log. I guess I have issues only with Data loader service.