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TEC Talk: Controlling the Control Plane: Defining Gaps in Tier Zero to Shut Down Attack Paths

TEC Talk: Controlling the Control Plane: Defining Gaps in Tier Zero to Shut Down Attack Paths
  • 记录日期:Dec. 12, 2023
  • 活动:录播
TEC Talk: Controlling the Control Plane: Defining Gaps in Tier Zero to Shut Down Attack Paths
Tier Zero has been a concept for over 13 years but common misconceptions and gaps allow attackers to exploit the edges and take over environment.  We'll provide a history of the Enterprise Access Model and why this governance model is a critical baseline for securing identities and resources.  We'll also show how gaps or questions within the current definition inhibit progress and provide opportunities for attackers. 


Justin Kohler is an operations expert with over a decade of experience in project and program development. After the Air Force, he worked for several consulting firms focused on process and workflow optimization. He enjoys building and leading teams focused on customer delivery at Fortune 500 companies.



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