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Migrate Your Oracle Workload to Azure with no risk and almost zero downtime

Migrate Your Oracle Workload to Azure With No Risk and Almost Zero Downtime
  • 记录日期:Apr. 25, 2022
  • 活动:录播
Migrate Your Oracle Workload to Azure With No Risk and Almost Zero Downtime

Learn how to migrate your Oracle workload to Microsoft Azure infrastructure with zero risk and near-zero downtime. You’ll get invaluable guidance from Oracle Ace Director Charles Kim, experts Kellyn Gorman and Tim Gorman from Microsoft and database migration expert Clay Jackson.

They’ll discuss how and why you can use Azure cloud to streamline your IT operations and show how Quest and Microsoft have partnered to make your journey smooth and efficient.

They will also recap how other companies with large and complex Oracle environments have overcome the challenges of moving to the cloud.



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